
Se afișează postări din octombrie, 2017

How to apply transfer foil on nails

Hi girls, Nail polish has always been my passion. Throughout the years I have learn so many things about nails and nail polish by simply experimenting. Well today I have came across something new for me, and that is transfer foil. I have seen it at others and I have always wanted to try it but I couldn't get my hand on that glue that you need to stick the foil to the nail. Well a few weeks ago I went to a cosmetic fair and found what I have been searching for. So please let me show you how this transfer foil works in the tutorial down below, while I fail but eventually succeed to apply it. Plus some tips&tricks that you might not know. 😏 P.S.: This video is not sponsored. Thank you so much for your time!

Belher 9mm Curler review

RO Buna dragelor, Astăzi vreau să vă prezint noua mea achiziție în materie de ondulatoare, și anume Belher 9mm Afro Curler. De când eram mică mi-a plăcut părul creț și cum eu am părul drept, normal că îmi doream exact opusul. Ca doar așa se întâmplă de obicei, ne dorim ce nu avem. Am încercat multe ondulatoare dar nu am găsit până acum unul subțire pentru buclele acelea mici. Pot să vă spun totuși că acest ondulator este ceea ce mi-am dorit pentru a putea realiza buclele visate. Ambalajul produsului este foarte simplist realizat, însă ondulatorul în sine este un produs de calitate. Materialul roz cu care este acoperit mânerul este foarte catifelat. Butonul termostatului este destul de greu de mișcat și mă bucur de acest lucru pentru că nu poți să îl schimbi din greșeală în timp ce îți ondulezi părul (cum am mai pățit la alte ondulatoare iar buclele nu mai arată la fel în final). Pentru a porni acest ondulator există un buton simplu de ON/OFF. În momentul când se pornește o...

Healthy and delicious oven potato&broccoli

Hello everyone! I must say, keeping up with a healthy style of eating is a real process. We often get distracted by all kinds of foods that are bad for our health. The worse part is that we tend to eat whatever we find because, we either lack the necessary time or we just don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen. Well, worry no more because what I have for you today is as easy as 1,2,3. 😊 You will need a few simple ingredients: potatoes - 2 kg broccoli - one bunch salt - as you please pepper - after your taste garlic powder - as much as you like oil - just a bit water - 50 ml Start by peeling the potatoes and cutting them in small pieces.  Next wash the broccoli and then cut it in small pieces aswell. Mix those two. Add salt, pepper and garlic powder. Add a little bit of oil and about 50 ml of water. Mix them all together and cover them with aluminium foil. Put them in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. Take the aluminium foil off and let them s...

The couple next door - book review

The couple next door is the type of book you just can't put down once you start reading it. It's like a roller coaster, with ups and downs all through the story, and when you think you know what happened, something new is uncovered. The book is narrated which allows you to view the whole story from everyone's perspective. The story begins the night Anne and Marco's baby gets kidnapped, while they are at a party next door and the baby is left alone in their house. Anne immediately blames Marco for convincing her to leave the baby alone in the house even though they agreed to check on her every half hour. Will this break them apart? Or will Anne find the power to forgive him? And who took the baby? Nobody except them knew the baby was alone. People are capable of almost anything when they are pushed to the limit. I must say there were times when I got a little bored but I snatched out of it quite quickly because there were new things to be revealed. I wou...