Are YOU Flawed?

Hi everyone!

I just finished reading "Flawed" by Cecelia Ahern so here is my little review on the book. Enjoy!

There is no human on this earth that has not made a misjudgment, an error, a mistake.

Celestine North is the face of perfection. At 17 years old she is the perfect student, the perfect girlfriend to Art, the perfect sister to her twin Juniper and her little brother Ewan and the perfect daughter to her parents Summer and Cutter. She manages all of this in a world where a misjudgment is harshly punished. 

She is, as she liked to describe herself, a girl of definitions, of logic, of black and white. 

But one simple mistake on her behalf and she might be labeled as a FLAWED.

Faulty, defective, imperfect, blemished, damaged, distorted, unsound, weak, deficient, incomplete, invalid...having a weakness in character.

You will see Celestine change throughout this entire book and this will warm your heart.

One thing I didn't know before starting this book, but I think you should know, is that this book is only part one of the entire story of Celestine's adventures. So be prepared for a "to be continued" at the end of the book.

It is a breathtaking story and the only book I just couldn't bear to put down.

If you are a fast reader I think you can finish the book in one whole day.

"Flawed" brings out so many feelings and I have been really outraged by what has happen in the first half on the book. A world so different from the one we live and also one in which no human being should have to live in.

Part two of the story is called "Perfect" and I can't wait to see how the story ends. Taking it just from the title I would guess it has a happy ending, or at least this is what I hope for. Fingers crossed! 

If you want to read along side with me, then be sure to click the follow button on the left to keep up.

Happy reading everyone and be sure to check back here again for the review on the second book.

I just couldn't let you struggle in finding the books so here they are:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this review.

Hope you are as eager to read this book as I was. 😊

Let me know your thoughts about this book. 

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For any questions or suggestion feel free to comment down below.

P.S.: This article is not sponsored.


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